Saturday, July 4, 2009

meaningful ?

so i don't write as often because i figured that when i blog, i should blog about something meaningful, but can't blogs be about anything? and i mean, if people get something meaningful out of it, then cool beans =D i still don't think i'll blog as often but oh wells.

it is now summer. when summer first started, i was the most excited i've ever been for a summer vacation. this past spring semester was the best yet, but when thinking about the upcoming school year, i'm for sure its gonna be the craziest year yet. why?

-no more cruise classes. yupp, done with all the pre's and gen ed stuff =( grr. the fun has ended. no more skipping class just to eat now. most of them are gonna be my majors. oh Lord help me.

-Katipunan officer = a whole lot of time. dont get me wrong, i'm glad i am, but i just know that its gonna require so much time and effort

-more hours at work. One of my co-workers is about to pop, so while she's on maternity leave, they're gonna need me to come in more. again, i love my job. my bosses are super chill, n even they said that while they were in school, they liked jobs that required little thinking, therefore they don't give me strenuous work. this jobs a total blessing, props to God.

-i'm still commuting. although i "enjoy" the 45 min - 1 hour drive to school, thats time that i couldve spent studying or doing homework. ok fine time i couldve spent resting. haha. but still. well i cant complain. i'm glad my parents didn't make me take out loans, and commuting is still way cheaper than dorming or getting a ridiculously pricy apartment

so as you can see (or all this thoughts put a slight damp on my summer, just cuz summer is going by so fast. nevertheless, this summer has such a significance to it. i've gone through many trying times, and its still not over. i'm very grateful for it though. i asked God what He wanted me to do this summer, and i guess the answer is "grow."